The Vein Center & CosMed

Cellulite & Skin Tightening

Cellulite is among the most disturbing and challenging cosmetic conditions known. Despite physical and mechanical treatments, pharmacological agents, exercise, and diet regimens, cellulite remains, in most cases, unaffected. In the past decade, cellulite management has inspired a new generation of innovative medical devices promising improvement. It is now evident that weakened connective tissue and diminished microcirculation play key roles in the development of cellulite. Therefore, long term correction of cellulite is possible through modification of weakened connective tissue and improvement of microcirculation. A new laser is a radio frequency (RF) device used to treat cellulite and unwanted areas of fat. This device has both Biploar and Unipolar RF handpieces for the treatment of various body reshaping therapies and other skin imperfections. Both of these RF handpieces improve cellulite, reduce fat and tighten loose skin.

One of the most common complaints besides cellulite is sagging of the jowls and neck which makes people look older sooner. RF skin tightening is very effective when used specifically on the face and neck.

The Vein Center & CosMed also has lasers capable of vastly reducing fine wrinkles and sagging skin, especially about the eyes.

All skin tightening, recontouring and wrinkle reduction devices used at the Vein Center & CosMed use no needles, cause no discomfort, leave no bruises and cause no change in one's normal lifestyle.

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Weight Loss Injections are Now Available at The Vein Center. Learn More.